Articles by dude

Dog Chili
I was getting tired of Chilidogs so yesterday I made Dog Chili!

Good Old Fashioned Killing!
Let me say from the git-go that I ain’t got nuttin agin them young’ns havin’ their wizard fests and goblin huntin’s. But fer Cryin’ out […]

Leave it to the russians
No bungees for these Dudes to try and kill themselves – just regular climbing rope. You have to give them Credit for taking care of […]
A movie that caught me by surprise
The Condemned Starring “stone cold” Steve Austin – I thought it was gonna be the 6 Million Dollar Man, but he turned out to be […]

My singing philosophy
I subscribe to the Whitney Houston school of singing. “If you can’t sing well, SING LOUD”
St Patrick’s Day Movies
Although many Parades were held this past Saturday. Tomorrow is St.Patrick’s Day. I like to celebrate my Irish Heritage with a wee bit of fillum. […]
BlockBuster has done it again!
Bloockbuster has time and time again offered deals to get people in then changed the deal. They must figure that enough people will stay to […]

Mob dancin in Liverpool Street Station
T-Mobile filmed this ad and just made a little unannounced fun for commuters. Now if they’d just lower my bill!
Laying down the Law!
Tonight I brought the boy into the kitchen and looked him in the eye, “I don’t want any backtalk. I don’t want any argument. I […]

Does anybody know?
I remember a movie that had a soliloquy similar to this: In my short and merry life I have loved many. (crowd murmurs) But once, […]

Case number two: Yankee Get Home
Case Two: Yankee Get Home The Plaintiff: Mortimer Ricketybones – A retired NY couple now re-retiring to Myrtle Beach. He claims the defendant breeched a […]

Jury Duty Case 1
I know everybody is on edge to hear the results of the cases I so judiciously jury-fied this past week. The Independent Republic of Horry […]

Where, oh where has my li’l dinghy gone?
Oh where oh where could it be? OK, so we have just realized that 14 minutes worth of macramé has gone to the dogs. back […]

Brian’s Dinghy Trip
Today we relive Brian’s dinghy expedition! It’s day 12 – we have sailed from Cooper Island to Leverick Bay on Virgin Gorda. The crew has […]

Guilt Free Day
So we decided to lay around the house and do nothing and not feel bad about it. So I’m Laying around the couch in the […]

Women – Ain’t they Great?
I’m not complaining. Really I’m not. I have the greatest wife and we get along fantabulistically. But sheez Louise! Is there some kind of genetic […]

Poot heem Doon!
Watched a loovly fillem this evenin last. It was called Gamerz. With a zed. twas aboot a wee lad off to uni without a friend […]

Beach Week is here
We have had a great May so far and are looking forward to the Memorial Day Weekend and the unofficial start of Summer. So Far […]

I just can’t get enough Ricky Bobby
I’m Going Fast Again!!!!

Liquid Air
So tonight it was raining. I didn’t take the dogs for their walky walky till 11pm. It had stopped raining. There was a marvelous steam […]

What color is this light?
So here I am lookingat this – There is a traffic signal there, I assure you. How am I supposed to know when to go? […]

War of the Magi
Dangit! Just after I came home and put away the last gift for my wife, she comes beeboppin in with a couple bags that she […]

Happiness is…
Does it get any better? A boy, His best friend, and his dog. Okay a boy, his Dog and his Computer – let them fight […]

Can I have my cord back?
So about two hours ago this kid from the shack next to my office came by and asked to borrow an extension cord. “Sure” I […]

The report doesn’t mention if she was blonde or not.
When a cop told his boss a driver-less car started itself and drove into a home, his boss replied, “No way.” Christine Djordjevic stepped outside Monday […]

Chain saw serenade!
So our second Pine tree out back has gone to poopoo. It still has about three green branches on it but it’s going down tomorrow. […]

The long and the short of it
I’m going against my own advice and stretching out my point on brevity. Hippocrates: “The chief virtue that language can have is clearness, and nothing […]

Sensitivity Raining
So as I made my rounds in cybertown last night I had the opportunity to stop by some crazy lady’s blog – Like they’re ain’t […]

Why are women so stupid?
I mean really, French Pedicures? We all know that all french women are perfectly coiffured and have immaculate hygiene but why in the heck are […]

Britney’s guide to semiconductor physics.
I just had to add this link because it is wonderful. Britney’s guide to semiconductor physics. It is amazing that she had the time to […]

The price of gas and beach bums
So tonight I sat and waited for the freakin tourists to show up. Normally I am so annoyed with Labor Day and can’t wait for […]

Sunday Morning Wake Up Call
7AM – I worked till 11 last night and didn’t really get to bed till 3AM. Sooooo I wasn’t really happy when Skittles the Wonder […]

First Homework of the year
This is the first homework assignment my son completed for high school. It’s a poem using metephors to describe himself and I think it’s freakin […]

I didn’t write this
So I found this from the Boston globe. The Cindy Sheehan you don’t know By Cathy Young, Globe Columnist | August 22, 2005 IT IS ENORMOUSLY […]

Boys night in
So the Wife and friends are out shopdiddly opping and I am home with three 14 year-old young men. I was invited to join in […]

A gazillion more rednecks on the Riviera!
Well, it’s official! There will now be one gazillion more rednecks headin’ to the Redneck Riviera this year. The explosion in Condo building on the […]

The Island of The Experiment
I really wanted to go to the Island – phooey! I really liked the new movie “The Island” It reminded me of a novel by […]

Rainy day in paradise
Woke up at 8 to the sound of rain. Not the joyous sound of an afternoon thunderstorm – whoosh, boom, boom, cricket-chirp it’s over. The […]

Personal Property? not any more
The Supreme court called today and told me they were gonna give my house to some old lady who likes cats. – Because it would […]