I really wanted to go to the Island – phooey!
I really liked the new movie “The Island” It reminded me of a novel by John Darnton The Experiment. The premise is identical but the movie has a lot more explosions and hovertrains and such (huda thunkit?). It was the second thriller type movie we took Nathanga to and he really enjoyed it! He did cover his face during the one brief kissykissy, rubbyrubby.
It was a solid story based really closely on The Experiment. However it was going to have to sell to the masses so out went a bunch of plot and in went thirty minutes of explosions, car chases, futuristic imaginary thingies and all the other stuff that make teenagers go “shizizzle” (or what ever they go these days).
I guess they decided to change the story enough to make sure Darnton couldn’t get a penny from it so they substituted the south Georgia barrier island for a gazillion-dollar megacomplex and took the time of actual cloning from years to “a year” just to make it complete BS. The scenes were put together well, though and despite the science of the movie being looney; the fiction part was pretty nice.
SPOILER – just to make a dramatic chase scene with lots of banybangy smashysmashy – they were carrying locomotive wheels on a flatbed truck – but all the trains in the movie were HOVERTRAINS! just another example how Hollywood will contradict itself just to make some more explosions.
Despite the contrived technology (Why would anybody make a high-tech, double-barreled harpoon gun? and wouldn’t the one-inch hook rip out of the guy’s back before it would support him twenty stories above nothing?) The Island had a nice little plot. And a little plot is about all todays teenagers could handle isn’t it?
The Island is a nice little pic with plenty of flash and jerky camera moves to make up for solid filmmaking. It will keep you entertained for 2:18, and that’s more footage for your money than the average film these days.