It’s our Fault – We Were Too Happy
Are you a “positive mental attitude” type person that never lets things get them down? Great for you! Keep up the good work! Some of

UFO over Myrtle Beach
Mysterious lights were spotted above Myrtle Beach, S.C. in August, raising questions about what the lights were and where they came from. “UFOs over Myrtle Beach? Video catches

Thug Diaries
Thug Rose Namajunas and Pat Barry are without a doubt a couple of very interesting people. These power punching cage fighters are always doing something

It’s Genki Sudo Time!!!
We live in a society that is filled with celebrities. Many of which have no discernible talent or skill. They simply “got famous”. Some were

St Paddy’s Day Not Patty’s!
Paddy not Patty A Modest Proposal to the People of the New World Each and every year millions of Irish, Irish-ish and amateur alcoholics are

Here we go again
Seems like the Dude can’t walk near a couple of women without this happening.

The Old High Horse
I remember when old Jake (who was tired of my Dad trying to get him off the sauce) told My Dad to “get down off

Support your local Geezer
I grew up with the notion that you had to “Respect your elders”. I try to make sure that any interaction I have with folks

Good Old Fashioned Killing!
Let me say from the git-go that I ain’t got nuttin agin them young’ns havin’ their wizard fests and goblin huntin’s. But fer Cryin’ out

Leave it to the russians
No bungees for these Dudes to try and kill themselves – just regular climbing rope. You have to give them Credit for taking care of
A movie that caught me by surprise
The Condemned Starring “stone cold” Steve Austin – I thought it was gonna be the 6 Million Dollar Man, but he turned out to be

My singing philosophy
I subscribe to the Whitney Houston school of singing. “If you can’t sing well, SING LOUD”
St Patrick’s Day Movies
Although many Parades were held this past Saturday. Tomorrow is St.Patrick’s Day. I like to celebrate my Irish Heritage with a wee bit of fillum.
BlockBuster has done it again!
Bloockbuster has time and time again offered deals to get people in then changed the deal. They must figure that enough people will stay to
Laying down the Law!
Tonight I brought the boy into the kitchen and looked him in the eye, “I don’t want any backtalk. I don’t want any argument. I
Does anybody know?
I remember a movie that had a soliloquy similar to this: In my short and merry life I have loved many. (crowd murmurs) But once,
Case number two: Yankee Get Home
Case Two: Yankee Get Home The Plaintiff: Mortimer Ricketybones – A retired NY couple now re-retiring to Myrtle Beach. He claims the defendant breeched a
Jury Duty Case 1
I know everybody is on edge to hear the results of the cases I so judiciously jury-fied this past week. The Independent Republic of Horry
Where, oh where has my li’l dinghy gone?
Oh where oh where could it be? OK, so we have just realized that 14 minutes worth of macramé has gone to the dogs. back
Brian’s Dinghy Trip
Today we relive Brian’s dinghy expedition! It’s day 12 – we have sailed from Cooper Island to Leverick Bay on Virgin Gorda. The crew has
Guilt Free Day
So we decided to lay around the house and do nothing and not feel bad about it. So I’m Laying around the couch in the
Women – Ain’t they Great?
I’m not complaining. Really I’m not. I have the greatest wife and we get along fantabulistically. But sheez Louise! Is there some kind of genetic