So the Wife and friends are out shopdiddly opping and I am home with three 14 year-old young men. I was invited to join in on a round of NGC Super Smash Brothers Melee . I realized it was a setup and left quickly to avoid total desecration. Now I am sequestered in the Living room with pork loins going in the oven. I have added an old imac keyboard to the notebook so I have a marble mouse and keyboard while sitting on the couch.
When the boys are done playing Clue I will serve up gently roasted, then braised pork chops with three color chili beans. They have already snacked on chips while playing games and then had Mozzarella sticks during a break.
The Surround Sound game room is a real hit! I can barely hear my TV in the living room and the kids are at the other end of the house. They have been killing each other, beating each other with oversized mallets, and blowing a lot of things up.
Seachele has called and said they are having fun (means spending money) so i am counteracting by turning all lights off and setting the thermostat to 85°.
Conan the Destroyer is on right now – what a waste after the groundbreaking epic Conan The Barbarian.
Well the pork is ready – gotta go.