Well, it’s official! There will now be one gazillion more rednecks headin’ to the Redneck Riviera this year. The explosion in Condo building on the north end of the grand strand has assured more “ignernt jaluliments” than ever before. As if we didn’t have enough gugenflems cloggin up the streets and walking around all sunburnt and irritable.
So now this boom in building has them draining every swamp for 10 miles and filling it with tourists – not a bad idea if they did that the proper way, but they’ll build condos first; fleece the saps of all their cash; then stack ’em 30 stories high. Make sure they have a pool. Don’t let the wind blow sand into their faces. “Could you do something about the water? It keeps coming in and going out! What kind of way is this to run an ocean, anyway? Disney has softer water! and there are thingies crawling all over the sand. Can we get someone to call an exterminator?”
All I have to say is thank you very much. Now I’m going to have to find another out of the way small town and settle there. Until people realize I have moved in and then the property values there will soar like they did here. The whole thing will start again. I’ve spent half my life making places popular then having to move to get away from the popular places.
Next time I ain’t telling anybody where I go.