1. Our mission is dedicated to rescue and provide safe and responsible care for abandoned, abused and neglected animals, regardless of age, natural beauty ,breed or condition. We provide a loving environment , medical care and training in preparation for their permanent homes.
2. To increase public awareness of companion animal overpopulation and promote the spaying and neutering of everyone.
3. To the education of children and adults in the humane care, respect and responsibility for all animals.
4. To support legislation and lobbing efforts to solve all problems confronting animals that lead to animal cruelty, abandonment and neglect, especially dog fighting and puppy mills.

Animal Guardians of South Carolina, Inc . is a all-volunteer non-profit corporation whose purpose is to aid homeless, neglected, abandoned, and unwanted animals. We are dedicated to helping the ones that can’t help themselves. Animal Guardians is a Rescue and not A Shelter as we cannot take in owner turn ins. We rely on your help. Please send donations via our PayPal button, or regular mail. Mailing address is P.O. Box 405, Little River, South Carolina 29566. Thank you.