So about two hours ago this kid from the shack next to my office came by and asked to borrow an extension cord.
“Sure” I said, “just make sure to bring it back.”
About 2 minutes after the cord went over, the music started – Ozzy. Now this is a kid that at most is ten years old – little innocent looking sk8tr who is always doing tricks on the stage we have next to the beach.
“I AM IRON MAN” is at about three times the legal sound level for about six minutes before it is accompanied by a caucauphony of bangs and cracks which, upon peeping out the front window, I realize is firecrackers.
For those not aquainted with the most wonderful thing about South Carolina I will expound. We have a strong tradition in this state of independence and self-reliance. We think that you ought to be able to buy whatever amount of explosive entertainment you feel you can handle and do with it as you will on your own property. Blow yer hand off – don’t come crying to me.
EXCEPT within certain cities which have (for the sake of tourists) determined that noise is bad for business. North Myrtle Beach is one such city. So within city limits you are not allowed to set off fireworks. Nor are you allowed blast a stereo. But you can still ride a motorcycle without a helmet. Splatter yer brains all over the back of a Semi – Don’t come crying to me.
Now about 22 minutes have passed since the bright green extension cord went out the office door to the shack next door. And it is suddenly quiet. Quiet enough to hear the distinct sound of the police radio.
I decide it is time to water the Hibiscus on the front porch. Is the plural hibiscii?
Sure ’nuff the blueman has about five kids there and is giving the old “keep it down” lecture when one decides that he is to tough to listen to this. It always happens so fast. Suddenly the kid was in back of the car and backup was on scene with the dog.
All the kids were eventually taken away and now my green cord is sitting there in the yard with a radio on the end of it. I guess I’ll go get it and hope they don’t bust me for contributing to the whole event.
Never loan your stuff.